Friday, June 11, 2010

more good news!

Laken was extubated on the 9th and is doing very well! She went from the vent to the nasal tubes. She started on 6L of room air and is now down to 4L. They will ween her down slowly and she should be off the nasal tubes in a couple of days. They are increasing her feeds every 6 hours hours trying to get to 9cc an hour and she is at 6 right now. Once she gets to 9cc they will start increasing her calories and she should start gaining some weight. She had an echo this morning and the function of her left ventricle is still normal (thank goodness!) and the right side still has the same issues that its always had. So what this means is, that if she keeps going at this rate, they will continue to let her grow. They don't necessarily have an ideal weight they want her to be at, but the bigger she is, the better she'll do in surgery. So as of right now, we don't have any idea when the surgery will be. Please continue to pray that she gets stronger and healthier before surgery is needed!

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